The General Data Protection Regulation determines how personal data is processed and kept safe and the legal rights individuals have in relation to their own data. As public organisations, schools are required to comply.
At Arlesdene Nursery School and Pre-school, we have:
- Received training regarding GDPR
- Made everyone in school aware of GDPR including governors and appointed a Data Protection Officer
- Begun reviewing all of our data and documents.
- Updated our Data Protection Policy
- Have provided parents/carers with privacy notices to explain how we use their data.
We already highly value and protect all of our pupils, parents /carers and staff data and will continue to do so. For further information about GDPR please visit the ICO website.
Data Protection Officer is: Headteacher Claire Cobain who can be contacted at
Any subject access requests (SAR) or Freedom of Information requests (FOI) should be made using the following email address:
Our privacy notices set out:
- The personal information we hold on parents/carers and pupils
- How we use that information
- How you can contact us regarding any privacy matter.
Please read the following docments for further details:
- Privacy Notice (532.93KB)