How to make an application to Arlesdene Nursery School?
We are accepting Nursery applications for the September 2025 intake. Children born between 1st September 2021 and 31st August 2022. Applications will close on Friday 14th February 2025 and allocations will be made on Friday 7th March 2025.
If you child’s birthday falls outside these dates please contact Lorraine in the school office.
Applications can be made via our online admissions form – we no longer accept paper applications.
- Terms and Conditions (686.28KB)
- Admissions Policy (596.50KB)
Applications for Nursery
Our Nursery School offers places for 3- 4 year olds. All children are entitled to 15 hours free nursery education the school term after their 3rd birthday. Our part time government funded provision is available during school term times. It is expected that children will attend for 5 mornings. We do not offer afternoon sessions for 15 hour entitlement.
In addition to 15 hours early education the Nursery offers a limited number of places for working parents who are eligible for 30 hours free childcare.
We welcome visits to our Nursery and Pre-school.
Please visit the childcare website for more information on 30 hours free childcare
Admissions Criteria
Order of priority in which places will be allocated is:
- Children with an EHC (Education and Health Care) Plan that names Arlesdene Nursery School and Pre-School
- Children looked after by the local authority
- Children ‘at risk’ who are the subject of an inter-agency Child Protection Plan
- Other applicants:
(a) Children with a particular medical or social needs for whom it can be demonstrated that they have a particular need to go to the school
(b) Children with a siblings on the school roll at the time of application
(c) Children of staff currently employed by Arlesdene Nursery School and Pre-school on a permanent contract
(d) Children attending Arlesdene Pre-school.
(e) Any other children in order of date of application. If more children qualify under a particular rule than there are places available, the next rule will be applied. In the case of a tie break, priority will be given to those who live nearest to the nursery as measured in a straight line.
Over-subscription criteria
In the event that we are over-subscribed, the School will ensure that a fair and transparent process is followed:
- When a parent or carer makes an application to the School and there is not a place available, the School’s waiting list procedure will be explained fully and a copy of the Admissions Policy sent to the parent or carer.
- The waiting list is managed in accordance with the criteria for admissions set out above. The School will advise the parent or carer at the time of application of an approximate timescale before a place becomes available. However this cannot be guaranteed and does not form a binding agreement.
- When a place becomes available the parent or carer who is highest on the waiting list will be contacted by telephone and in writing requesting confirmation that the place is still required. If no communication is received from the parent or carer within five working days the next person on the waiting list will be contacted and offered the available place.
Applications for Pre-school
Our Pre-school offers part time and full time places for 2 -3 year olds during school term times. Some 2-year-olds in England can get free early education and childcare. To find out if your child is eligible please contact our Pre-school or use the following link to check your eligibility for a 2 year old place:
Childcare and free early education
We welcome visits from children and parents so that they can experience our wonderful setting.
Please contact us to arrange a visit:
Telephone 01992 626 879 option 2
Or Email: